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How can we help your business?

Printed publication is so yesterday....right?

Facebook was once the place to go for advertising a business, but new statistics have shown that there is no guarantee any adverts will be shown to prospects.

On top of the censorship and lies about the efficacy of their adverts, Facebook has taken a huge recent decline in users, which means less visibility for business users.

 Many Facebook users have given up on the platform and have stopped using social media altogether. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are amongst the many platforms that have been "outed" by having their statistics exposed....and so...the rise of the

"awakened platforms." (Mewe, Gab etc)

As a result of these exposed truths, hundred of social media platforms have taken rise and there is too many to count!


So where do we go from here? 

Meditation Group

Whats included? 

  • A printed advert in the Midland Healers publication

  • An advert on this website - (Midland Healers will eventually have a website of it's own.)

  • Instagram promotion

  • QR Code for your business

Where will I be seen?

 20,000 copies of the Midland Healers publication will be found amongst following venues - 

  • Mind, body and Spirit fayres across Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire

  • Camp & Count - Whistlewood

  • Craft workshops

  • Solstice festival

  • Waterfront festival

  • Sound healing workshops

  • Vegan camp out

  • Vegan restaurants

  • Wedding fairs

  • and any other event that is missing from this list!

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