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Could Ayahuasca be the cure for all illness?

Only a few generations ago, we relied on plants for medicines.

They were our power, our energy, our well-being.

Knowledge and wisdom of curing illness with herbs and plants were passed down through word of mouth to the next generation, to our friends and our neighbours. Our communities were built on caring for each other with the sharing of nutritional meals, plant medicine recipes and the crops we grew in our gardens.

But, it all seems to be fading away too fast with pharmacies on every corner and in every town, giving easy access to man-made drugs and taking us further away from where we once were.

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is one of the oldest sacred plant "medicines" known on our beautiful, nurturing planet. The plants that are combined to create the strong-tasting, ceremonial drink called "Banisteriopsis Caapi" and the "Psychotria Viridis," which are grown, and protected in the Amazon Rainforest.

The primary chemical DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is arguably the most hallucinogenic substance known to man and is the active substance within the plants. The molecule exists within us and an array of other plants and animals, which makes it so fascinating.

DMT lives within the plant and creates a dream-like state when ingested. The dream-like state, others wise known as a "trip" is said to give messages, images, play out memories, meet and encounter our ancestors and recently deceased family or friends with messages. It is said that other spirits, gods and entities come to us with comfort and healing.

These visions can last for hours, some have reported to have been asleep for up to 9 hours whilst still having a full Ayahuasca experience.

The vines of the plants are prepared over a few days for ceremony. During that time the ceremony leaders sing, fast and begin to call in the spirits of the plants and energies, in preparation to serve the participants of the ceremony.

Now, being aware that some may not believe in "calling in the spirits" and "energies," and believe it's just a load of old tosh, but those taking part in such ceremonies, have usually had the calling, spiritually.

What does it mean to be "called" to Ayahuasca?

Having a Peripheral can mean one or two things.

1 - You can see physical objects around you and directly ahead.

2 - You can not only see ahead of you, but you can see all around yourself, inside yourself, you have a good sense of self-awareness and the bigger picture at hand, in most situations, physically, mentally and spiritually.

For those with a number 2 peripheral, it means to have an acute sense of what the world is trying to tell you. There's an old philosophy that says our paths are laid ahead of us and that we are guided towards where we are meant to be. Being aware of this path and seeing the signs around us directing us towards our soul purpose is how we are guided to healing practices such as Ayahuasca. Signs as simple as noticing a picture of an indigenous shaman, or being aware of a certain scent. Being guided to read a specific book or to a web page with information you need to know. These tiny details are showing us what we need to pay attention to.

What does Ayahuasca actually do?

The theory of evolution is no longer a theory, as historians and scientists have studied the human form over thousands of years. We are evolving physically and mentally as modern demands are changing.

But, we are also evolving spiritually.

It is believed that the ceremonial drink, Ayahuasca is not only a cure to heal cancer, stimulate neural cell growth which is said to aid mild psychological conditions such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD. But it also heals trauma experienced in ones life time, or previous life times. Many of those that attend ceremonies, do so because of past experiences that affect their day-to-day lives and want to change.

Ayahuasca changes the lives of everyone who has the initiative and need to make big, positive changes for themselves.

What's the result of taking Ayahuasca?

Searching youtube, there are countless vlogs and accounts of people that have attended retreats and ceremonies across the Amazon basin. The general feeling is that something within the brain has been rewired. The sense of love and compassion for themselves and for others has been restored. The ability to step into their own power and become aware that our world is simple and limitless and that everything we have been brought to experience in our past is through external forces that now no longer serve. The slate is clean, the body refreshed, stripped of negative energy stored for years that were creating destructive behavioural mindset patterns were wiped away.

What do we know?

We don't know what we don't know. We aren't even aware of what we need to change.

...but they do.

Spirituality and what lies across the veil will forever remain a mystery until we open ourselves to the possibilty of what life could be.

Trust the process.

Our limiting beliefs are exactly that...Limiting.

Fear is what is holding us back.

Is this your calling?

Read about the affects of Kambo here.

Read about the power of spiritual healing here

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